When Will received the T1 diagnosis, it was hard. I was heartbroken. I didn’t believe I would be able to care for him.

I was already a person who questioned the healthcare system and nutritional guidelines. That in itself had me question what we were being told. I found “the others.” I found people who didn’t fold and didn’t succumb to just managing T1. I found the people who were beating the odds. And I followed them.

Changing our lifestyle seemed very scary. It seemed like A LOT of work. This, on top of injecting insulin and monitoring blood sugars was truly, overwhelming. But I knew that other people were making it happen…and if they could do it…SO COULD WE.

There were lots of bloopers, lots of late nights...and lots of tears. But after time, and after failing (many times) things started to turn around.

Instead of comparing myself to others, who seemed to have it together, I found inspiration in their journey.  I will be forever grateful that they had the courage and drive to share that with me.

I can’t give insulin dosing advice. I can’t decipher graphs or give guidance on what to do. I can share our story, though. I can document hope…for those seeking a light. I can encourage you to not give up. Falling is part of the journey, and without the challenge…we don’t experience the triumph.

This page is for me, to document Will’s journey through Type 1 Diabetes. Not only do I hope to inspire others to KEEP GOING, but I also inspire myself by putting into writing, our fight. Thoughts become things. Perception is EVERYTHING.
